When editing words of a project , I'm getting charged characters to re-convert the entire sentence. For example, if I have a sentence such as: ‘Perhaps first things as soon as you wake up’ should have been ‘Perhaps first thing as soon as you wake up’ 'Thing' should have been singular, not plural, I'm being charged for the whole sentence to be re-converted. I would have expected the platform to be clever enough to know it just needs to re-do 1 word costing 6 characters not costing me 42 credits and re-doing the entire sentence. This is significantly slowing down progress with the platform. Due to the poor editor functionality its difficult catch errors like this. 'You' and 'Your' are other examples I frequently get caught on. At the very least offer a better editor to proof text before conversion Because of this way of 'billing', I cannot trust the platform or myself to do long sentences or paragraphs, so I end up splitting up pieces of my text and if I need to re-do something, more often than not Im doing ad-hoc text to speech which means my project is only half accurate